The Creative Writing Process


I am Jennifer and I am the one who does 90% of all the writing for Tease Me Productions.  I absolutely love what I do and how I came to do it isn’t really all that interesting.  I had worked as a freelance writer and I did mostly translation work and it was technical writing like shipping instructions for a shipping company, etc.  Nothing fancy but it was a paycheck, I found that I really didn’t like writing like that. So when my husband and I decided that we were going to do this again I thought for sure that we would be able to write all sorts of things and be really creative.

Boy, Was I wrong!

I’ve written about everything in the last 3 years.  I mean everything from stylish tennis shoes all the way to garage doors and how they are installed.  When you write about products like that you basically become an expert in whatever you are writing about. So that is the plus I can say that I’ve become mini expert on a range of topics that either makes me really nerdy or makes me interesting to speak with!
When I am deciding on a topic to write about I usually will do some research.  Now research to us in this house is totally different than research that most people do.  Because my husband is in college for Psychology he is constantly having to “Site his Source” So I make sure that the research I am doing can be sited and also something I could quote so I stay away from things like Wikipedia and websites like it. 
When I have done the research and I think I am pretty well versed on the topic at hand then I begin to write.  It usually takes me about 15 minutes or less to write about 500 words.  I think personally I am the writer because I type so fast.  My husband is a superior writer by far but simply because I write quicker he uses my work LOL! 
I pride myself on a very wide vocabulary and a good grasp of the English language itself.  Which means that I can take any topic and put a light and beautiful spin on it just by the way I talk about it.  I think what makes me a good writer is that I can pretty much match the style and flow of the person I am writing for so that it seems they are writing it themselves.  I truly pride myself on the fact that I want to match our clients and make THEM come through everything we write about. So that is my writing process! Have a great day and don’t forget to go to our website and check out what we could do for you privately or for your local business!